How to De-Stress Before Your Wedding

As wedding planners, we’re passionate about couples feeling like guests at their own weddings. In fact, that concept is at the heart of everything we do, throughout each planning process and wedding weekend! Accordingly, it’s so important for couples to de-stress before their wedding days. But, you may be wondering, how? Aren’t weddings inherently stressful?

We don’t think so—especially not with the help of a planner! That’s why we want to take a deeper dive into some tried and true methods to help you de-stress before your wedding. With the right amount of relaxation and preparation, you *can* be present for each moment of your special day, truly enjoying it and making memories that will last.

Bride relaxing with her bridesmaids before her wedding ceremony

Hand Off Responsibility to Your Wedding Day Manager Two Weeks Ahead

Set a deadline to have all of your planning finished and to-do list items checked off, ideally two weeks before your wedding day. At that point, vendors shouldn’t be emailing you anymore (they can email your coordinator). In addition, all payments should be made in full, and any DIY projects wrapped up and packed. Inevitably, little things will come up. But this will still save you the headaches of last-minute crafting and obsessively checking your email to get vendor details ironed out.

Stop Scrolling Social Media

Ever heard the phrase, “comparison is the thief of joy?” Well, it’s true! And it’s never truer than when you begin comparing your own wedding decorations, dress, or venue to someone else’s on Instagram or Pinterest. We’ll admit that those apps are a lot of fun (and useful!) when it comes to researching ideas and vendors. But once you’re in the final two weeks of preparation, it’s best to unplug for a bit and begin practicing mindfulness. Being completely present in the moment requires practice, so get started ahead of time!

Five ways to de-stress before your wedding day

Have a Mantra

Maybe there’s an element of your day that’s causing a particular amount of stress, such as a dreary weather forecast or an opinionated family member. If that’s the case, think of a positive mantra to repeat to yourself when in need of calming. For example, “We are prepared. Breathe. Let go of what you cannot control.” Try speaking those words to yourself right now. Do you see how simply focusing on them can completely shift your mindset?

Another idea is to choose a calming song to play each time you feel yourself slipping into a stress cycle. The familiar sound will ground you and remind you of what’s important: you’re marrying your best friend!

Five ways to de-stress before your wedding day

Stay Hydrated

We don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but it’s best to consider limiting your alcohol consumption in the days leading up to your wedding. Drink plenty of water, and at your rehearsal dinner, enjoy just one drink. Then, on the morning of your wedding, make it your goal to drink one liter of water and eat a filling breakfast before taking your first sip of champagne. Your body and mind will thank you!

Bride relaxing with her bridesmaids before her wedding ceremony

Get Outside

Before your getting-ready time, take a walk outside with your spouse-to-be, your mom, your best friend, or your dog! Leave your phone at home and take 30 minutes just to inhale the fresh air and hit the mental reset button. Don’t forget to include this in your wedding day timeline (yep, literally write it in there!) so that everyone (like your coordinator, bridesmaids, and getting-ready team) knows that it’s a priority.

Five ways to de-stress before your wedding day

We hope that these tips help you to de-stress before your wedding so that you can be fully present! If you’re just getting started with the planning process, we’d love to help you avoid any and all wedding-related stress by coordinating all of the details for you. We pride ourselves on bringing our clients’ visions to life, all in a way that is sustainable and kind to the planet!